Friday, May 30, 2008

Good Morning World

As I sit here with my lukewarm coffee, I wonder what today will bring. Almost giddy was I this morning, dropping my daughter off at daycare. My shift for today got cut, but I had already paid for a full day of daycare for her, so I have a day off - completely off. I might do some baking, which I usually do in huge spurts. Once a month or so I will bake 6 dozen or so cookies/brownies, etc. Thinking of packing some of it up and bringing it to my poor boss, who is forced to run the store alone today. This is just one way the state of the economy & the price of gas is effecting me. Nobody can afford to shop, and retail is hurting. When retail is hurting, they slice everybody's hours, forcing their management (salary) to work long, lonely hours. But for little Smudgy, the part time Chocolatier, it means less money but more time off. I think I'd rather have the hours. Still, it's nice to have a lazy day. There aren't enough of those in life, are there?

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